# Hello, md2reveal Markdown to [reveal.js](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js)
## md2reveal Native Markdown to RevealJS html pages
### This page is generated by [this markdown file](/md2reveal/index.md)
### Arguments * --theme: the reveal.js theme * --title: add a title section at first * --qrcode: add a thanks section with qrcode at last
## Installation
### By pip ``` pip install md2reveal ```
### Or shell script ``` git clone https://github.com/LKI/md2reveal ~/.md2reveal ~/.md2reveal/setup.sh /usr/bin/md2reveal ```
## Source code Hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/LKI/md2reveal)
### Author [Lirian Su](https://github.com/LKI)

Page generated by @md2reveal